
Nail Your Content And Website Messaging, Convert Your Audience, And Escape Flatlining SaaS Growth

With Market Research That Will Give You Everything You Need To Match Your Website Messaging To Your Market By Knowing Exactly What Your Future Customers Are Saying So They Buy From You.

Introducing the Foundations System:

Foundations Market Research For Website Messaging
Especially if your product or service is technical, complex, or built for enterprise customers.
And you're not sure what exactly you need to do and why you need to do it within your marketing.
Market Research Client
Brian Lounsberry
CEO & Co-Founder, MidwayPlus
Market Research Client
Greg Atkins
COO, CISO, & Co-Founder, MidwayPlus
Market Research Client
Charles Anselm
Co-Founder & CEO, Osyte.com
Market Research Client
Sellappa Gopalaswamy
Co-Founder & CTO, Osyte.com
Gary Wetzel
Founding CEO, Form.io
Heather Hornor
VP of Product, Form.io
Artifact became a critical part of my team at Microsoft driving the roadmap for UX/UI development and working very closely with mobile developers and TPMs to leverage customer data and use cases and transform them into features that drove strong outcomes for multiple MS businesses globally.
Alex Games
Sr. Learning Scientist & TPM, Microsoft
Your stuff is gold first time every time. I like living in a world where we can lean into the boldest choices. It's always more fun defending a dangerous decision than it is to be ignored for something safe.
Jacob Leis
CEO, Pop Acta
The more I interact with other vendors, the more I love Artifact. They're responsive—none of the gobbly gook. We've tripled revenue over the last 3 years.
Lorrie Anderson
Director of Marketing & Sales, Kirby Bates Associates
Kinsta Listed Agency

Kinsta Trusted Partner

Artifact Is Recognized As A Trusted Agency And Partner With Kinsta

DesignRush Partner

Ranked Among The Top Market Research Companies In The United States.

Step 1: Get In Your Customers' Heads By Gaining The Whole Picture Of Your Market

The #1 marketing mistake is to author content, build funnels, and produce website messaging without first getting answers to the crucial questions about what drives your customers to buy

To do that, you need a marketing blueprint that provides THE strategic overview of what your customers want and don’t want, what your competitors are doing, what mechanisms are working, AND HOW to produce content and website messaging that engages.

Get in your customers heads with your website messaging.

Step 2: Your Content And Website Messaging Must Strike At The Heart Of Customer Needs, Desires, Pains, and Motivations

Otherwise they won't care what your content and website messaging says and they'll bounce.

Your customers are diverse, but what they have in common is what they need from you—to do for them—The Jobs To Be Done. The JTBD targeting strategy answers the most crucial questions about your audience’s greatest needs so you can produce content and website messaging that converts.

Jobs To Be Done For Website Messaging

Step 3: Draw Them In With The Right Content And Website Messaging At The Right Time

You don't ask them to marry you on the first date.

Your strategy must not only show you what you need to say to get your audience’s attention, but when to say it in your funnel and on which platform so that they take the next step.

Attract customers with content and website messaging at the right time.

Ready To Get Unstuck?

Artifact Foundations Market Research System for website messaging.

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Know exactly what you get and why it's important to your funnel and website messaging.