MidwayPlus: B2B eCommerce Marketplace

Visual brand, messaging, website, and strategy refresh that's multiplied leads by 3X.

MidwayPlus is a B2B eCommerce marketplace platform that enables manufacturers to sell direct to their resellers in more volume and at higher martins without increasing their overhead and operates as an alternative or supplement to wholesale distribution so that manufacturers can expand their sales channels.

Artifact’s provides MidwayPlus new strategies and ongoing sales, marketing, and lead generation that has increased their booked sales calls from 1 every few months to several per month.

B2B Marketing Website Client
Brian Lounsberry
CEO & Co-Founder, MidwayPlus

B2B Marketing Website Client
Greg Atkins
COO, CISO, & Co-Founder, MidwayPlus

Form.io: Data Governance Platform

Complete brand, messaging, website, and strategy refresh that 2X'ed organic traffic, 10X'ed CTA clicks, and established their data governance platform brand recognition.

Form.io is a standardized, enterprise-wide, technology strategy that governs all form and data management requirements and is scalable, extensible, configurable, unopinionated, and fully embedded as a data governance platform.

Artifact is a strategy partner with Form.io and plays a key role in their ongoing marketing campaigns, sales process refinement, design language and brand development, asset creation, content writing, and social media development.

Gary Wetzel
Founding CEO, Form.io

Heather Hornor
VP of Product, Form.io

Osyte: Fintech Marketing Website

Rebranding and re-messaging a fintech marketing website for the express purpose of securing $1.4M in funding, which they did.

Osyte commissioned Artifact to get to the heart of their value propositions, update the messaging of the website to reflect those, and refresh the brand to give a strong impression to investors. Our work was a direct factor in helping them land $1.4M in additional funding at the end of 2023. View the before and after below.

Market Research Client
Charles Anselm
Co-Founder & CEO, Osyte.com

Market Research Client
Sellappa Gopalaswamy
Co-Founder & CTO, Osyte.com

4 Corners Aeroseal & Insulation: Service Business Website

Direct response landing pages in an ad funnel for conversions on a service business website.

Wordout App: AI-Driven B2B Marketing SaaS App – Phase 1

How do you go from no design, to in production in 7 days? Deliver the design in code.

WordOut is a 2023 startup founded by Joshua Lisec and Michael Guimarin. Joshua is the author of So Good They Call You A Fake, and is the world’s #1 Ghostwriter having authored over 80 books for entrepreneurs.

Michael is a B2B +B2C leader, investor, and engineer who has driven more than $50M ARR. Both are professional marketers who saw an AI-gap in marketing and decided to co-found WordOut, The Best Way to Get the Word Out.

The founders commissioned Artifact to move WordOut beyond a rough, MVP design into something that was intuitive, on brand, fast, and a delight to use.

Michael Guimarin
Co-Founder, WordOut

Joshua Lisec
Co-Founder, WordOut

Pop Acta: B2B Brand Refresh – Rebranding Strategy

Implementing a rebranding strategy for a company post-merger that's categorically divergent and still rallies everyone.

Bolster your business vision with brand power that sticks in the minds of your audience so they keep coming back to you.

  • Refreshed the existing logo & brand from a clean slate into strong, bold colors, and thick type weights to maximize brand change impact
  • Created on-brand event and pricing collateral and corporate website so that the business comes to mind at every touch point with partners and clients

“Your stuff is gold first time every time. I like living in a world where we can lean into the boldest choices. It’s always more fun defending a dangerous decision than it is to be ignored for something safe.” —Jacob Leis, Pop Acta CEO

AdaptiveMail: Enterprise SaaS Design & Marketing

Attracting investors and improving demo experiences with enterprise SaaS Design

Get enterprise-level branding and product design for your enterprise SaaS.

AdaptiveMail is an internal email platform intended for enterprise organizations. Its proprietary targeting, list-building, and ranking system enable enterprises to automate email campaigns based on numerous employee demographics.

With a functional prototype, they needed to elevate the user experience to make it demo ready. In addition, they needed a brand that better represented their product and improved messaging on their website and pitch decks.

Venkat Oruganti
Founder & CEO, AdaptiveMail

Bicycle: B2B Service Cool Logo Design

Fast turnaround for the brand creation of an HR-oriented startup

Designed a memorable, cheerful, logo that captures the business vision.

Agile Health: Healthcare B2B Website Design

Cohesive web, print collateral, and PDF case study branding and design.

Kirby Bates Associates: B2B Marketing Agency Recruiting Website Design

How KBA grew their revenue by 3x by upgrading their website, rebuilding their job listing management system, and designing a website targeted to their audience.

Kirby Bates Associates is a recruiting company that finds and places nurse and healthcare executive leaders into healthcare organizations as permanent employees or interim leadership teams. With over 30 years of experience, they have been firmly established in the industry, but started to fall behind the curve as the web matured.

They contacted Artifact after experiencing their lowest year of revenue performance. After working with Artifact, they regained all the lost ground in the first year and tripled revenue after three years.

Agile Health: B2B Collateral Design

Every value proposition represented in its own PDF collateral with brand continuity.

Axis Point Health: Mobile Web App Design – Messaging App

Building a mobile web app design in code so it could be demo'ed to stakeholders before being developed.

Mobile app was design delivered in HTML, CSS, and JS so that the client’s sales team was able to demo the experience in a browser and test product validation before incurring development expenses

Created illustrations to drive outcomes data and product benefits to readers

Information within the messaging app was organized, in order, based on 1) what is most essential, 2) what is most pressing, and 3) what is most relevant

Healthmine: B2B Healthcare Administration Dashboard

Tabular data in a longform style dashboard to minimize clicks.